Tuesday, April 29, 2014


We are only in the paperwork stage of this process but so far we have seen the Lord's hand in each and every step. We are cautiously excited.

We have signed a contract on the "Blessed Little Farm" and our current house will be officially on the market this coming Monday...we want to get the back room finished. It used to be a screened in porch but is now walled in for an additional room. We already have the insulation, we just need to get it in and get the dry wall on. Lord willing that will be completed this coming Saturday.

Stay tuned...more to come...Lord willing.

Have a wonderfully blessed day!


  1. Good luck, and wishing you blessings along the way, enjoy your weekend too!

  2. Sounds sooo good, Karen. Best wishes on being a home owning small farmer!
    BTW, my sleeping room from when my sister was one and took my bedroom at my age six until I left home for college was a screened in porch.

    Grandpa owned it and he screened and put storm windows in for me. No heat and of course no A/C in rural Nebraska back then. (Dad share cropped the farm until Grandpa died--and while I was in the Army.)
